Careers Update
Lauren Ferguson, Careers Leader

In this time of remote learning, students are still able to explore their career options digitally and virtually. Even though many events, including Expos and Open Days at universities, TAFEs and other institutions have been postponed, there are still plenty of opportunities for students to plan their futures. The best thing is, students have the time and the ability to do it all from home.

MLMC has a Careers website that students can access through Simon or they can visit This resource has links to current information. Students can subscribe to newsletters and register their own account and create a resume using the templates. On the site, they will also find information about upcoming events, including the Torrens Virtual Careers Expo. Most of the Victorian universities and TAFEs are involved in the event which provides a great opportunity to explore courses and pathways as well as have a look inside the institutions. It is on today, Friday 8 May, and finishes at 8pm tonight — but it is not too late to take part, you can join in HERE.

The staff in the Careers centre are available for students and parents to contact us with any questions you might have. Students are also encouraged to keep an eye on Barak Careers Portal for messages and updated information from us as well.