Year 7s were exposed to an entertaining investigation into the pitfalls of technology including cyber bullying at school, stress, lack of privacy and de-sensitisation as part of their Pastoral Care program on Tuesday 24 July. Brainstorm Productions presented Cyberia, a two-person show on the dangers of cyberbullying.

In consultation with IT, education and mental health experts, the Brainstorm Productions team have woven together true stories of Gen Y/Z's internet experiences. It poses questions about how the digital age is affecting our brains, our humanity and our future.

The program covers: cyber bullying, digital citizenship, social websites, internet security, exclusion, alienation, isolation, responsible use of technology, addiction, control, reputation and safety.

Here are some student reflections from the incursion:

On Tuesday, the Year 7s participated in an anti-cyber bullying play, where we learnt a lot of valuable lessons and many different ways to avoid and get out of these online situations. They performed true story events, which made it more relatable and easier to connect to. This experience has made difficult online situations more understandable for people that have never experienced it before. — Serena Borg (Year 7 Red)

On Tuesday all the Year 7 classes watched a cyber bullying awareness play and learnt about cyber safety and how to stay safe online. The performance was extremely informative and very interesting and went through the troubles of two teenagers online. It was based on a true story where two teenagers suffer through scams and bullying incidents such as threats and blackmail that some teenagers around the world have had to deal with every day. — Harrison Largue (Year 7 Gold)
