Dear Parent/Caregiver

As part of the formation of leaders in our Mercy schools, Principals undertake regular processes of appraisal. This year, Mr Philip Morison will undergo a second stage appraisal of his role as Principal of Mount Lilydale Mercy College. You are invited to offer feedback by completing an online survey. The link will be distributed via SMS. This survey is for the information of the appraisal panel only. You will be asked to provide your name and your answers will be collated with feedback from other parents and caregivers. The collated responses will be aggregated and will not identify any original author by name. No individual will be identified by name or nature of response in feedback to the Principal. This information will be used to help set goals and objectives for Mr Morison as a College leader with the aim of continuing to build his capacity as a leader. If you wish to complete this survey, please do so by 4.30pm on Thursday 18 October.

Thank you for your participation in this important aspect of Mr Morison’s professional growth. Following are some guidelines to assist your responses.

Christopher Houlihan
Chief Executive
Mercy Education

Some guidelines for providing good responses:
1. Keep responses to your perceptions of the professional aspects of the work done by the Principal and be careful not to be ‘personal’ in your feedback
2. It is not appropriate to offer advice on how things should be done differently
3. Keep feedback succinct.

In undertaking this survey, participants commit to keeping true to our Mercy values.

Any Appraisal can be insightful yet provide a degree of anxiety. As a participant, you agree to:
1. Provide feedback that will contribute to the professional development of the Principal
2. Provide feedback that will encourage the Principal to continue the journey of continuous improvement
3. Recognise that feedback is a crucial part of formative development
4. Provide qualitative encouraging feedback and constructive criticism.