To help provide opportunities for faith development and continue with some Ministry Lounge activities in this time of remote learning, we have made a Ministry Google site. This site gives students and staff access to a weekly activity/post and also some resources that can be used daily to deepen their faith.

Some previous posts include:

  • Steps on ‘How to stay connected to God’, including ideas for prayer and reflection
  • A 'get to know' the prefects with Amy Roberts (Faith and Ministry prefect) and Melissa Mathews (Mercy and Justice prefect).

This week the site included a 'get to know' video with our College Chaplain, Father Dean Bradbury (pictured). It also includes a ‘Why is May the month of Mary?’ slideshow created by some of our Year 12 CSYMA students. In our Prefects Corner, Melissa and Amy speak about their favourite scripture quotes and why they are important to them.

We have been working hard on creating fun and engaging activities for CatholicCare Family Week which began on Wednesday 6 May, so stay tuned. You can check out our Ministry Google site HERE.