Term 1 has been a busy one for the students looking after the McAuley Park Farm. Lots of good work was done at the end of 2018 preparing plots and tending to the orchard in readiness for harvesting at the start of 2019. Adding thick layers of mulch and extra watering sessions were tasks carried out by the students.

Melbourne University recently released a report titled Melbourne's Foodbowl and it explained in detail the significance of Melbourne's city-fringe farmlands growing enough food to meet the needs of a growing population. You can read the report HERE.

Plot to Plate has been teaching Year 10 Agriculture and Horticulture students and Year 9 Science students about the benefits of reducing food miles and the idea of ‘grow local, eat local’. Apricots, peaches, nectarines, tomato, basil, silverbeet, pumpkins and apples have all been harvested in Term 1. The Discovery Community Centre in Lilydale received three large supplies of apples this term and Food Technology classes received apples and a couple of very large pumpkins.
