The Young Farmer's Poultry Club has been meeting every Monday since the start of the year.

A focus for the students this year has been the task of preparing a small number of heritage birds for the Royal Melbourne Poultry Show in September. The breeds that they are preparing to show include Aracauna, Speckled Sussex, Rhode Island Red and Ancona. They will also show egg laying breeds including Isa Browns, Australorp x and Leghorns.

To enhance their learning about caring for poultry we were fortunate to receive a special visit from Dr Hamish Russell recently. Hamish is an accredited poultry judge and Co-Editor of the Poultry Standards book which is a highly regarded reference in the field.

The program is thriving and we recently received some wonderful feedback from one of our parents: "It’s amazing to hear my children talk about teachers who once taught me. Mr David Banfield taught me and is now running the Poultry Club which is a real highlight for the students along with Young Farmer's Club". — Laura Harrison
