Week of Prayer for Reconciliation (27 May-3 June)

The Week of Prayer for Reconciliation and National Reconciliation Week is held each year between 27 May and 3 June. These dates commemorate two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey — the anniversaries of the successful 1967 Referendum and the Mabo decision.

As an initiative of the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation (now Reconciliation Australia) and communities of faith across the country, the Week of Prayer for Reconciliation was established in 1993 and continues to receive strong support from faith communities. The week-long event has been celebrated nationally across the general community since 1996 when it evolved into National Reconciliation Week.

Walk as one prayer

God creator spirit, walk with us and give us the
strength to stand for life, in the face of destruction
and greed of the earth.

Teach us to be respectful and gracious for all that our
land and waters provide.

Instil in us the spirit of unity with our indigenous
sisters and brothers from around the world. Lord, with
your grace, help us to endure the challenges placed
before us and our earth. Let us take time to reflect on
the spiritual connection to our lands and the fragility
and beauty of mother earth.

With your love and spirit, let us walk together in unity,
peace and harmony on these great lands.
God, strengthen our love and respect for each other
and our connections to country and all creation.

We pray, as one global family, for a safe and just world
for our children and our children’s children. Let us
bring your love to all people.
