Dear members of the Mount Mercy College community

We are well into the Season of Lent and last Sunday I particularly enjoyed the readings (Second Sunday of Lent Year B), but of particular note was the Gospel Reading, The Transfiguration. In the reading, Jesus took three of his Apostles up to the top of a very high mountain so that they could be alone and whilst there, the experience of the transfiguration occurred in which Jesus was fully revealed to those that were with him. Not being a Theologian I am sure that there is much in this that I am yet to learn, however, one part of this reading has always had an impact upon me. Jesus took Peter, James and John up a hill to be with them and it was experiential and they learned from it. Now I understand that in a Biblical context that many important events happen atop a hill, as these are special places to encounter God. I often reflect and wonder if our school, our College, on the top of our hill is such a place. The Sisters of Mercy arrived here some 122 years ago and set up this school on this hill, Rourkes Hill, and indeed we aspire to be a community of deep learning, but I hope that we are far more than that. My hope is that we are a community focused on experiential learning where each one of us can come to see the human face of God and indeed be transfigured in our own individual and personal way.

During the season of Lent, one way we experience learning is through the process of Alms Giving (giving to help those in need). Through such giving, we learn a lot about ourselves. But also, an informed giving process, helps us to learn about the great need in our world and our responsibility to help those that need it. In Lent, we do this through the Project Compassion and through Caritas. The great work of Caritas is undisputed and we are being called to support this Catholic organisation. To aide in this, and only one of the things we are doing, our Religious Education and Faith Development Leader, Mr Paul Morgan, has set up a process whereby donations can be made online. Please consider supporting this work as you reflect on how you prepare for the up and coming Easter Season. The link is:

In the last week I have been very pleased to hear that two of our 2017 Year 12 cohort have been selected to display their works in the VCE Top Arts, which is indeed an honour and a testament to the quality of their work and their creativity.

The first is Emmerson Daniel for his piece Obedience (as shown below), which is acrylic on canvas and was the recipient of the Principal’s Choice Award in 2017. Emmerson described his piece: "Uniformity is the state of identical correspondence and, in my theme’s context, relates to the overall similarity and lack of variation that is evident in everyday life. Through a multitude of men in corporate attire sprawling across the urban landscape, a false sense of fulfilment is achieved through their regurgitated actions and demeanour. This artwork represents the insatiable desire for individuals to fit in and conform to society's expectations due to the fear of being judged for not portraying themselves a certain way. This structural society in all of its absurdity is shown metaphorically in all of the urban surrounds such as the uniform lines in the barbershop awning, or the repetition of windows on the building facade. This consistent likeness throughout the work is emblematic of the alarming reflux of original thought and genuine action of individuals in society today and furthermore their similarity to the constructed uniformities of society."

The other is Tahlia Hayes for an unnamed piece, but which has the central theme To be Human. Tahlia explained her piece: "To be Human is a work based on the idea of ritual. Whether we realise it or not, we as humans rule our lives with rituals and habits. They are the processes that bring us comfort and familiarity and a sense of order to our lives. Although fundamental, they can remain private and can be overlooked. With this work, I aim to show the viewer the beauty of ritual and as a result, the beauty of being human."

Congratulations to both Tahlia and Emmerson and to VCE Studio Art teacher Mr Denver Carron on these works being selected. The Top Arts 2018 is on display at the Ian Potter Centre at the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV), corner Flinders and Russell Streets Federation Square from 23 March until 15 July. I certainly will be attending and I hope you do as well.

This coming Wednesday evening The College will hold the Community Opening Mass. At this Mass all incoming Year 7 students and all new students to the College will be welcomed to our community and so each is invited to attend. Year 12 students too, will be welcomed as the senior class and the graduating class of 2018. All members of the Mount Lilydale Mercy College community are invited to the Community Opening Mass and I hope to see you all there.

Lastly this week saw the funeral of Robert Leydon, father to teacher Mr Tom Leydon. After a fantastic life of service Robert passed from this life at the age of 80 years to join our Father in Heaven. Let us pray for the repose of his soul and may he, along with all the faithfully departed, rest in peace.

God bless

Philip A Morison
