Welcome to the season of Lent and the annual Caritas Project Compassion collection for those most in need. In 2018, MLMC is giving members of our entire College community the opportunity to donate online. This is in addition to the usual collections made in homeroom groups and at various sites around the College.

When you donate, you are giving those on the margins of society, the opportunity to have life and live it to the full.

We have established an online link (see below) which appears on the Caritas website and your generous contribution will be instantly added to the MLMC 'scoreboard'. A tax invoice and receipt will be issued the moment you donate so that your contribution can be claimed as a tax deduction.

The link is: MLMC Community - Project Compassion 2018

This year Project Compassion demonstrates how Caritas Australia empowers young people to become channels of love and positive change for their entire communities. A Just Future is possible for all generations and communities, who are part of one human family. A Just Future starts today.

Thank you once again for your support and may I wish you every blessing for the Lenten season.