What an interesting year it has been for world literacy and numeracy! We have all learnt the meaning and application of the terms ‘social distancing’, ‘personal protective equipment’ and ‘remote learning’. We have also learnt how to apply 1.5m for ‘social distancing’ in a variety of settings and read COVID data on a state, national and global scale.

At MLMC students have spent approximately 84,000 hours in online learning during their seven weeks of remote learning. Teachers worked a staggering average of three hours extra per day planning, assessing and meeting in teams to ensure online learning met the wellbeing as well as the academic needs of students.

There is no denying that this year has brought with it unprecedented challenges least of all, on the educational front. Many students have risen to these challenges using a growth mindset, a dose of optimism, a dash of humour and a degree of diligence to ensure they continued their learning.

The benefits are visible and evident in student reflections and dialogue about the experience.

Many of our students have shown resilience beyond their age. Others have developed a greater understanding of how they learn best. E-learning has flourished and so have the opportunities for students to do deep learning. With more variety and flexibility in their learning activities the opportunity to grow was certainly there.

At MLMC our Vision for Learning continues to be our guiding principles and remote learning has certainly brought much of the vision to light. As we move towards Semester 2 may we continue to be people of hope and compassion as we strive to ‘Be our Best’ and ‘Give our Best'.
