As part of the Year 7 and 8 Pastoral Care Programs the team from the Resilience Project came to speak to the students about empathy, gratitude and mindfulness and the impact they have on building resilience in today’s youth. The College is proud to continue our relationship with The Resilience Project and we look forward to hosting Hugh van Cuylenburg (Founding Director/Facilitator) and his team again.
Matt Reilly, Assistant Year 7 Level Leader

The Resilience Project presentation was as inspiring story that made us feel grateful for what we have and also mindful of other challenges people face in the world and how lucky we are. It taught us that many people in the world don't have everything that we have and yet they are still happy with what they have. It taught us that we should be grateful for what we have and not to take things for granted. Something that intrigued me was how his sister was battling anxiety. I never knew what anxiety was until Hugh made that speech about his sister, which is now why I know what the word anxiety means. After Hugh talked about his sister he talked about this boy in India. The boy couldn’t say THIS so he said DIS instead. Hugh gave us a challenge to find what we are grateful for - so when we say DIS it means what we’re grateful for. #dis
Olivia Vandenberg and Natasha Rutzou, Year 7 White
