After a long and thorough process of applications, interviews, voting and further interviews, last week witnessed the investiture of our 2020 Student Leadership Team. The full-school assembly on Tuesday 15 October saw the 2019 Captain and Prefect team thanked as they presented the new leadership team with a personalised letter of welcome as well as messages of good luck, along with a College candle and a Prefect badge.

Tatiana Lintzeris and Riley Swankie (pictured, together and with their families) will serve as our College Captains and Summer Thomas and Harrison George as College Vice Captains.

Acting Principal Mr Louis Papadimitriou spoke to the Leadership Team about what being a leader and role model would mean and that being elected was the easy part, even though they had already shown great courage to take on such a prominent role within the College.

“Every great leader grows in the job and realises that mistakes will be made and lessons learned. Nobody is expecting you to be perfect. From this day forward, you will demonstrate, through your actions and words, who you are as a leader.”

He told the group that being selected as a Captain or Prefect was an indication that staff and students “have great faith in you”. “Congratulations and let’s work together to make 2020 the best year ever.”

The ceremony concluded with the new leaders delivering the following pledge:

We promise to do our best to uphold the ideals of the school.
We undertake to carry out responsibly the leadership duties entrusted to us.
We believe that through a spirit of cooperation, each person can realise their true potential and come to know what it is that is truly important in life.
We ask for your support and for God’s help to carry out faithfully what we have promised this day.
