Students in ICT Innovation are learning new and innovative technologies — one of those is 3D printing.

In one class excercise recently, students were provided with a brief on designing and printing a car that is propelled by a 16g CO2 cylinder of the like you’d find in a soda syphon. The students had to use 3D modelling software to design the car within specified constraints such as maximum size and height, as well as use tools like micrometers to measure small diameters of axles and account for these in the final design.

Testing day arrived and the fastest car travelled the length of the basketball court in 1.9 seconds. That meant it travelled an average of 52 km/h! Through this highly engaging activities our students were able to experience:

Science — Newton's 3rd of Motion that underpins the car’s powertrain
Technology — investigating, defining, designing the product and evaluating the car
Engineering — constructing and modifying the car
Maths — using measurements to size the car and calculate the speed of the car
