This year MLMC is delighted to offer viola lessons in addition to our violin and cello private lessons. Viola lessons are also a private 30 minute one-to one lesson held in Centennial Hall each week with our wonderful strings tutor Mrs Bradley.

The major difference between playing the violin or the viola is in the production of sound. Generally, because of its thicker strings, the viola speaks slower than the violin. That is, it actually takes a bit longer to hear the sound it makes from the time the bow touches the string.

In addition to viola lessons, Mrs Bradley runs a String Ensemble every Monday during lunchtime in Centennial Hall. This ensemble is no charge to our parents as the College has kindly offered to pay for these on behalf of our families.

Enrolment forms may be downloaded from the Parent Portal (forms and information), collected from Student Reception or the Music Department. Alternatively, you can email Mrs Sharon Flint on to request a form electronically.