When we teach young people to drive we give them information, guidance, encouragement, practice and support. Learning to drive is a gradual process with young people developing competence over time. We build skills and remind them of their responsibility to themselves and others and that there are consequences for actions.

Internet usage is no different, but it is an area many parents feel less confident in managing. Talking with young people about technology use is essential, it is an integral part of their world whether you are someone who embraces it or not. When digital technology is used thoughtfully and appropriately, it can enhance daily life. But, when used inappropriately or without thought, technology can displace many important activities such as face-to-face interaction, family time, outdoor play, exercise, unplugged downtime and sleep. Digital technology should work for you and work within your family values and parenting style. This is not the forum to explore the pros and cons of internet usage in depth, but to promote conversation and to highlight some resources which are readily available to assist you.

Families need to consider the age of their children/young person, what works for them and develop clear communication around expectations of technology use. A family agreement is a great way to start a conversation with your whole family about how you all use the internet and discuss together how to behave in a positive way when online at home, at school or at a friend’s house. There are some websites listed below which may assist you in navigating the online world with your young person and assist in generating your own family agreement:

Where you can learn about the digital environment and how to help your child have safe and enjoyable online experiences.

Advice on what children SEE, SAY and DO online. It is an easy way to remember what your children may encounter online, and the potential challenges they may face.

Family internet agreements: irules.co/
​​Visit HealthyChildren.org to create a personalised Family Media Use Plan that works within your family's values and busy lifestyles.

MLMC is pleased to offer a Parent Seminar later this term with Hugh van Cuylenburg from The Resilience Project (see the attached flyer). The seminar, The Impact of Social Media on Adolescents, will be held on Monday 17 September from 7pm in the Lecture Theatre. Please join us for a coffee and an engaging presentation on an issue that impacts on so many young people today.