On Thursday 30 and Friday 31 May our Year 10 students embarked on an epic adventure — the MLMC City Experience 2019. The program provided students a valuable opportunity to exercise their independence, navigate the CBD, become confident using all types of public transport and learn more about Melbourne’s amazing culture.

Students participated in The Great MLMC Race where teamwork, time management, resilience and problem-solving skills were crucial to their success. They also explored popular attractions such as the MCG, Melbourne Museum, National Gallery of Victoria and the Melbourne Arts Centre. A visit to The Big Issue saw them participate in an eye-opening session that focussed on the struggles faced by Melbourne's most marginalised residents.

Congratulations to Year 10 Blue who took out the overall win for the Great MLMC Race and to the highest scoring individual teams, Blue 4 and Bronze 1. A huge thank you to all the staff who assisted on the days and in the lead up to the event, particularly our Year 10 Homeroom Teachers, the administration and finance staff and our nurses in first aid.

Here are some student reflections on the experience:

The Great MLMC Race was a fun way to kick off the two days, spending time bonding with mates from our homeroom while searching for Melbourne icons and snapping silly photos. Attending the Big Issue talks gave us a deeper insight into the struggles of the homeless in the city and how to help support these people. Then, venturing out somewhere of interest to us, such as the MCG or the Melbourne Arts Center helped to get to know others in the year level with similar interests. The City Experience was heaps of fun and a great way to get to know the Melbourne CBD while enjoying ourselves with friends. — Zoe Hendriks, Year 10 Bronze

The MLMC City Experience was one that gave me many great memories and taught me skills that will help me later in life including how to successfully catch public transport to find my way around the city without getting lost. On Thursday I got the chance to take a tour around the MCG where I learnt a lot about the stadium and the sport. Later that day we went and met with people from The Big Issue and listened to guest speakers teaching us about homelessness and what we can do to help. The MLMC Great Race was on Friday which was a way for me and my group to find our way around and to see landmarks scattered throughout the city. My favourite activity over the two days was the Great Race as I got the chance to visit famous locations throughout the city. — William Geeves, 10 Silver

Like many other students in my year level I was very interested in finding my way to and from the city and taking part in activities organised by the school with my fellow schoolmates. We did numerous things in the city, for instance I did a tour of the MCG, visiting the rooms where the players warm up and the boxes where the commentators sit. I also participated in the The Great Race which led us to city landmarks such as the State Library and Her Majesty’s Theatre. Over the short time that I spent in the city I learnt countless life skills and it’s fair to say that the only complaint was that I wish it could have gone on for longer! — Declan Barker (Year 10 Jade).

Two weeks ago the Year 10s got to go on the City Experience. It gave us the opportunity to experience a new environment and to learn how to be independent and find our own way around the city. It was a very fun and meaningful experience. We got to do things like tour the MCG, explore the city and also learn about The Big Issue, which was about homelessness. My favourite part was getting to hang out with all my mates in a different environment and learn about the MCG and visit Coliingwood’s change rooms. — Maddy Beard, Year 10 Jade