Inspirational guest speaker Sam Clear returned to MLMC on Tuesday 28 May to speak to the Year 10 cohort and facilitate a day of reflection. Sam undertook a journey from the westernmost point of South America to the westernmost point of Europe starting in 2006 — almost all of it on foot. He had 11 near-death experiences as he walked from one side of the world to the other over 568 days.

Having become increasingly frustrated by the hostility between the Christian churches, the walk was Sam’s way of trying to bring harmony and unity to those who shared a faith in Christ but disagreed on how that could best be done.

His presentation mixed anecdotes with opportunities for the students to ask questions, allowing them to discuss what had challenged their thoughts and what they felt was important to them about what he had shared. Each student received a business card — an invitation to pray for church unity at 4.01pm everyday. His passionate storytelling both captivated and inspired our Year 10 cohort.

Sam's stories revealed the nature of God's call to him, things that he learnt from those along the journey and privations he endured. His heartfelt tales shone like a beacon for all who heard him, showing a great example of how each of us can be people of faith and integrity.

Jaimee Strachan (Year 10 Green) writes about the presentation:

Sam is a very inspiring man. He learnt about something from a very young age and it didn’t sit well with him. He was uncomfortable with the disunity within the churches. So he set out and walked around the world. He had a lot to share with us, including what he witnessed every time he walked into a new town with a new church and discovering the disunity there. He talked about the many times when he nearly gave up, how he prayed and God gave him a sign. He didn’t only shed a light on the continuing disunity in the church, he also showed us that God will always be there for us.
