Year 7 students have taken some time during remote learning in Term 2 to reflect on what they are grateful for because we thought it was important to express our gratitude in such a negative time. This was done very early in the ‘lockdown’, when there were a lot of ‘unknowns’ and a lot of negativity in the media.

In a time where many privileges were taken away from us, it was important for our youngest students to pay attention to what we had perhaps taken advantage of before – the small things, like playing in a park, for example. We then decided to put the images together into a video for all of the Year 7s so that they could see how many of them shared the same feelings and felt the same gratitude towards similar things. They were not alone.

There were plenty of images of pets, families and friends, one of a doctor, one of our Prime Minister, as well as bikes, shoes, favourite rooms, game controllers, homes and gardens and a few maps of Australia.
