Our Year 7 students visited St Patrick's Cathedral in Melbourne and the Academy of Mary Immaculate in Fitzroy in the past week. The aim of the excursion was to deepen their individual knowledge and understanding of the oldest Mercy all-girls college in Melbourne (founded in 1857) and the epicentre of the Catholic faith for our Archdiocese. They represented MLMC extremely well, displaying terrific behaviour and pride in wearing their uniform.

Here are some reflections from Year 7 Red students:

My two favourite things were the chapel in the Academy of Mary Immaculate and all the information found in the Cathedral.
— Kaijah Holmes

I really liked the stained-glass windows at St Patrick’s because they were so beautiful. I enjoyed learning about the history of Sister Ursula Frayne (at the Academy), too.
— Jordyn Kelly

I learnt that there are a lot of cool, very interesting things in St Patrick’s Cathedral.
— Jack Parker

I learnt that gargoyles on the roof protect our Cathedral and that Frayne House is named after Sister Ursula Frayne, a Mercy Sister.
— Gemma Williams

I learnt that the Academy of Mary Immaculate has been a school longer than Australia has been a Commonwealth.
— Sienna Finger

St Patrick’s Cathedral looked magnificent. I cannot believe that Sister Ursula Frayne is buried underneath the Academy school chapel.
— Tyson Fitzgerald
