There was no jungle, beans or rice to be seen, unlike the reality TV show Survivor, but there were plenty of big smiles and there was some healthy hard-fought competition at the Year 8 Survivor Day on Tuesday.

Working in their homeroom groups the Survivor-inspired activities are designed to help our Year 8 students develop their teamwork, leadership, compassion and empathy skills, all in a fun environment. And importantly, the day also provides an opportunity for students to spend time with their homeroom teachers while sharing a unique experience.

The students tested themselves in holding up books, transferring water between buckets or transferring soccer balls in pairs without using their hands, tossing frisbees into bins, solving problems and more.

Congratulations to 8 Bronze on winning the final challenge to take the trophy for Survivor 2020 (their name will be engraved on the Survivor Shield displayed in the Year 8 area) and to all the students and the teachers whose enthusiasm and energy made the day such a great success.
